
Initial consultation

The aim of the initial consultation is to discuss your requirements, what you do and don't like and of course, take a look at your garden and the scope of the work. We'll talk about budgets and give you an idea of what's possible within those constraints. If a design is required we'll talk about the costs and agree a fee up front. If it's just an estimate you're looking for this will be free of charge.

A survey of the garden and some photographs will be taken to enable us to to provide you with a design and estimate.

If after the initial consultation you are happy to proceed onto the design phase, we'll set up a time to meet again to go through the first draft ideas.

Design and estimate development

This is quite simply the development of a first draft design or designs. Often at this stage we'll work on a couple of different designs to show you some options and also work up some rough costs associated with these designs.  

Second meeting to present ideas and costs

We'll go through the first draft designs to get your opinions and feedback. We'll also talk about the costs of the project to make sure they fit within your expectations. From here, there may be the need to make some revisions to create a final design and estimate.

Final Design and estimate development

Development of the final design and estimate based on feedback from the second meeting. At this point we'll present you with the following:

- Final Design showing a detailed layout

- Detailed Project Estimate  

- Planting Plan showing plant layout and a supporting document with pictures and details of the suggested plants

Project Finalisation

Once the design and estimate have been signed off, we can get you in the schedule and give you a rough project start date. Whilst this date may change, (there are so many variables in Landscaping that can affect job times), we'll always keep you informed, especially as we get closer to the start date.

At this point we ask for a 15% deposit which secures the place in the schedule but is refundable should your circumstances change (minus any direct costs that may have been incurred).

If you're interested in having a chat about your garden please contact us.